Happy the woman is who is finally finished with all her presentations in Mexico :) :).
It was a wonderful evening with our Macedonian friends, really, it is sooooo excellent and wonderful how a simple glass of beer can be refreshing when your mind has stopped and your brain is frozen just like your computer can be (at least windows apps, don't know about MAC's). Sooooo outstreaching, soooo gooooood.... Very nice dinner, finally, tasty enough.
Still did not leave the hotel.. but tomorrow, tomorrow we finish in the office much earlier, and will have time to go to Xochimilco (I hope) than a nice good-bye dinner with Mariacchis... I hope :) :).
And still, I am excited to be at home.. I guess this is because of spring, it is such beautiful in this time, especially after such a perfectly cold and snowy winter!! Spring is all I desire!! :) :) mmmm
Simplicity is such a blessing... (maybe not a proper semblance, but:) just as being in love (is) (and I am).
jueves, febrero 25
martes, febrero 23
problematic guest considers to write in the book of complains, than she lets it go
Of course I was not moved to another room. I spoke 3 times with the front desk, we agreed 2 times in that he's going to send the boy - and... of course, nothing happened within 40 minutes, expect that I have packed everything (!!! GRRRRR) and that I was late from my dinner (!!! GRRRRRR)...
So, all that good thing I have worked out in the GYM (because I went today, and run for 40 minutes, this means 5 km all together) almost disappeared because of this. I am getting sick of work. Really, it is such a bad feeling that I am not done with my presentation for tomorrow and after tomorrow... this is not my style. But as I didn't have time AT ALL within the last 2 weeks to prepare these, now they are sitting on my neck and don't let me sleep. :(This is why I am depressed even in Mexico: I cannot rest, cannot let go things as things are not ready yet, and the pressure is still here. Well, 1 down, 2 to go: hope to be ready by today.
But yesterday, yesterday we (as a group, with the Macedonians) visited the pyramids (Teotihuacan, at the North of Mexico City out of the city), then we went to visit the Cathedral of la Virgen de Guadalupe. I departed from the group and visited a mess :) :) I was very happy about it. And after this, came home (to this very distinct hotel of good service) by metro and by collectivo :) and I found my way back to the hotel without any difficulties, thanks to God. (Our very kind tour guide and minibus driver described me where to go in advance).
So this is story of yesterday.. it was a very good day. Today is a good day also, it gives the possibility for me to acknowledge myself as a problematic guest, but I feel I have the right to be problematic, when I cannot rest in my room properly (even though I am a guest of our Mexican partner). Ahh.. I know.. I am too sensitive. Just complaining from Mexico, when many other person would be happy to do what I am doing. So let me clarify this: I am happy with what I am doing, I enjoy it, and it makes me happy. Only that I define service in a different way. I am opened to accept. Or, what could I do if I am not opened to accept how things are? Could explode in anger... does not worth it. But for the first time in my life (again, a first time thing, I knew in advance that this sentence "we are here to serve You" is just too good to be true, and it is, as it turned out) I truly considered to write in the book of complaints of the hotel. In addition to this, on Sunday - as Mexico is a catholic country - no Money Exchange places are opened in the WHOLE MEXICO CITY except hotels and the airport. BUT our very distinct hotel could not change money for us, as they run out of pesos... ahh.. so we went into a different Camino Real with the whole group, because of me (I didn't have dollars, only Euros), but there they didn't change my money as I wasn't one of their guest. So silly. So not tourist-friendly.
All right, all right, complaints stopped. I wonder how would it be just to be a real tourist and travel with that person I would like to travel the most.. I cannot imagine now. I hope it will happen one day. Would be great just wondering around without any precious goal, without any "to do" things.
A good thing: people are great. Participants from Macedonia, and Mexicans as well. So delighted. So full of sun. It's a good feeling to get closer to the city and to its inhabitants. Lightens me up.
Now let's see what I have as possible presentation for tomorrow, and for Thursday, and go to sleep quickly. Finally, that badgering noise have stopped, thanks for God. I am really sorry to be this problematic... I wish I would have a longer temper with much more patience. But I loose my temper much easier when I am pressed and tired. As Bela Hamvas, my beloved Hungarian writer (philosopher) wrote: 'If you stay home, and never travel, you got to know the world, but if you start to travel, you'll get to know yourself." So here I am, exploring unknown parts of my personality again - and I feel I am doing much better, I have a much better temper than I had years ago, I can already guide and direct my temper much better and much longer than before, even if there is one point when it just breaks away. But again, I can recover much easier and I am almost at the point to be able to decide not to be angry because it vast too much energy for nothing. The world cannot be changed by anger (especially not by MY anger). I should try different ways (acceptance and love). Watta journey!!
I am grateful for being here. Only that now some things are a little hard. Only a little... (today was a day when Murphy’s law was true: what could go wrong went wrong in terms of my Hotel. But now, when I am finishing this post, it's already next day's morning, as last night also the Internet connection broke down – really, I am now just sitting here and laughing on this – I feel much better. It seems that I was extremely tired this is why it was soooo hard to let things go if they happened on a different way than I HAVE PLANNED. Let’s pick up today’s line!!
Hohohooo, feelin’ enthusiastic!! A good day for everyone! :)
So, all that good thing I have worked out in the GYM (because I went today, and run for 40 minutes, this means 5 km all together) almost disappeared because of this. I am getting sick of work. Really, it is such a bad feeling that I am not done with my presentation for tomorrow and after tomorrow... this is not my style. But as I didn't have time AT ALL within the last 2 weeks to prepare these, now they are sitting on my neck and don't let me sleep. :(This is why I am depressed even in Mexico: I cannot rest, cannot let go things as things are not ready yet, and the pressure is still here. Well, 1 down, 2 to go: hope to be ready by today.
But yesterday, yesterday we (as a group, with the Macedonians) visited the pyramids (Teotihuacan, at the North of Mexico City out of the city), then we went to visit the Cathedral of la Virgen de Guadalupe. I departed from the group and visited a mess :) :) I was very happy about it. And after this, came home (to this very distinct hotel of good service) by metro and by collectivo :) and I found my way back to the hotel without any difficulties, thanks to God. (Our very kind tour guide and minibus driver described me where to go in advance).
So this is story of yesterday.. it was a very good day. Today is a good day also, it gives the possibility for me to acknowledge myself as a problematic guest, but I feel I have the right to be problematic, when I cannot rest in my room properly (even though I am a guest of our Mexican partner). Ahh.. I know.. I am too sensitive. Just complaining from Mexico, when many other person would be happy to do what I am doing. So let me clarify this: I am happy with what I am doing, I enjoy it, and it makes me happy. Only that I define service in a different way. I am opened to accept. Or, what could I do if I am not opened to accept how things are? Could explode in anger... does not worth it. But for the first time in my life (again, a first time thing, I knew in advance that this sentence "we are here to serve You" is just too good to be true, and it is, as it turned out) I truly considered to write in the book of complaints of the hotel. In addition to this, on Sunday - as Mexico is a catholic country - no Money Exchange places are opened in the WHOLE MEXICO CITY except hotels and the airport. BUT our very distinct hotel could not change money for us, as they run out of pesos... ahh.. so we went into a different Camino Real with the whole group, because of me (I didn't have dollars, only Euros), but there they didn't change my money as I wasn't one of their guest. So silly. So not tourist-friendly.
All right, all right, complaints stopped. I wonder how would it be just to be a real tourist and travel with that person I would like to travel the most.. I cannot imagine now. I hope it will happen one day. Would be great just wondering around without any precious goal, without any "to do" things.
A good thing: people are great. Participants from Macedonia, and Mexicans as well. So delighted. So full of sun. It's a good feeling to get closer to the city and to its inhabitants. Lightens me up.
Now let's see what I have as possible presentation for tomorrow, and for Thursday, and go to sleep quickly. Finally, that badgering noise have stopped, thanks for God. I am really sorry to be this problematic... I wish I would have a longer temper with much more patience. But I loose my temper much easier when I am pressed and tired. As Bela Hamvas, my beloved Hungarian writer (philosopher) wrote: 'If you stay home, and never travel, you got to know the world, but if you start to travel, you'll get to know yourself." So here I am, exploring unknown parts of my personality again - and I feel I am doing much better, I have a much better temper than I had years ago, I can already guide and direct my temper much better and much longer than before, even if there is one point when it just breaks away. But again, I can recover much easier and I am almost at the point to be able to decide not to be angry because it vast too much energy for nothing. The world cannot be changed by anger (especially not by MY anger). I should try different ways (acceptance and love). Watta journey!!
I am grateful for being here. Only that now some things are a little hard. Only a little... (today was a day when Murphy’s law was true: what could go wrong went wrong in terms of my Hotel. But now, when I am finishing this post, it's already next day's morning, as last night also the Internet connection broke down – really, I am now just sitting here and laughing on this – I feel much better. It seems that I was extremely tired this is why it was soooo hard to let things go if they happened on a different way than I HAVE PLANNED. Let’s pick up today’s line!!
Hohohooo, feelin’ enthusiastic!! A good day for everyone! :)
lunes, febrero 22
a problematic guest
I am now officially the most problematic quest of the hotel I guess, as I am about to change my room again. This is the second time since last Friday's late evening, when I have arrived to Mexico.
(Continue later as the boy is coming now to move me and my belongings to my new, and hopefully absolutely noise-less room... which will not face the famous 12 lanes 'Periferico' of Mexico City... )
I decided not to be angry (again, my room was cleaned up, even though I put out the paper of "do not disturb", and my key did not work when I tried to enter my room, and just to continue, there is no proper bread for breakfast (only toast bread, and sweets). BUT, and this is important, this is WHAT counts: at the first time in my life I have heard someone to tell me in a hotel, that: "No problem, we are here to serve You!" WoW! Now I am amazed, and this I find hilarious. Thank you, Camino Real. You got me at this point, and I cannot do anything else but acknowledge that I am a problematic quest, very sensitive for noises and for soft mattresses, officially problematic, but I trust you to help me out and help me feel good in your hotel.Let's see if it will be successful finally!!!
(The front desk called me just now, that the boy is arriving... sooo... later on! I have things to tell from yesterday also :) ) (even though I am being late from my dinner, because things are a little slow here...)
(Continue later as the boy is coming now to move me and my belongings to my new, and hopefully absolutely noise-less room... which will not face the famous 12 lanes 'Periferico' of Mexico City... )
I decided not to be angry (again, my room was cleaned up, even though I put out the paper of "do not disturb", and my key did not work when I tried to enter my room, and just to continue, there is no proper bread for breakfast (only toast bread, and sweets). BUT, and this is important, this is WHAT counts: at the first time in my life I have heard someone to tell me in a hotel, that: "No problem, we are here to serve You!" WoW! Now I am amazed, and this I find hilarious. Thank you, Camino Real. You got me at this point, and I cannot do anything else but acknowledge that I am a problematic quest, very sensitive for noises and for soft mattresses, officially problematic, but I trust you to help me out and help me feel good in your hotel.Let's see if it will be successful finally!!!
(The front desk called me just now, that the boy is arriving... sooo... later on! I have things to tell from yesterday also :) ) (even though I am being late from my dinner, because things are a little slow here...)
sábado, febrero 20
Ma Juliával és Louis-sal töltöttem a nap második részét (túl a reggelin, és egy elég hektikus éjszakán. Éjjel kétszer keltem fel: túl puha a matrac, képtelen vagyok aludni rajta, a csípőm lesüllyed, így elég furi helyzetben nem nagyon tud lazulni és pihenni a testem.. szóval, találd fel magad ügyben először is a földre ágyaztam le, pokrócok stb segítségével, de ez sem volt elég jó, egy óra után felébredtem, hogy hideg van, másrészt van egy folyamatos enyhe zúgás-búgás a szobában, amit vmi műszaki berendezés okoz. No az éjjel megtaláltam a forrását!! Bizony, alulról jön, padlóra hajtott füllel sokkal erősebb.. így aztán helyi idő szerint 5.17 perckor újra felkeltem, arréb taszigáltam az óriáspuhamatracot az alsó tartójáról, ami mint kiderült fa, és kb 20-30 cm-re magasodik a padlótól. Ide megágyztam újra, és itt már tudtam is aludni elég jól :). Úgyhogy ma este ismét ehhez a trükkhöz folyamodom, mivel a hotelnek nincs másik matraca, csak ez, megkérdeztem, de nem tudják kicserélni.)
Jó itt lenni újra, annyira barátságos és ismerős, kicsit mintha hazajönnék. Igazából talán Chile miatt, folyton azt juttatja eszembe, igaz, itt valahogy melegebbek az emberek, színesebbek, mint ott. Hiába közép-amerika, a kultúra úgy érzem sokkal inkább közelít a dél-amerikaihoz. Ugyanolyan szokások itt-ott (szupermarket zacskóbapakolás, buszsávok kő-választékkal való jelölése az utakon, padka színe, stb) és a növények is nagyon hasonlóak, folyton azt juttatják eszembe.
Jól esik ízlelni, elvegyülni, szagolgatni, révedni a távolba, itt lenni, beszívni ezt az európaitól teljesen különböző világot.
Édesek nagyon a sok kis régi típusú bogár autóval száguldozó emberek, sok taxi is ilyen.
Juliának is ilyen régi WW Bogara van, ráadásul központi záras (!!) és pittyeg ha becsukja + kinyitja :D nagyon izgi...!! :) :) :)
Szuper finom mexikói késő-ebédet ettünk 5 fele miután a "Las fresas con crema" piros kockás terítős útmenti étkező-gyümölcsöző-trécselő helyről átmentünk kicsit tovább délre (ez a város déli felén van, egészen lent, Tlalpa városrésznél, a hely neve "Eprek tejszínhabbal" :) ) egy másik műanyag-kockásterítős borzasztóan autentikus helyre (de hát ilyen helyeken főznek a legjobban Mexikóban !), ahol remek Consomét és valami fekete v. kék kukoricából készült tortilla-tekercs szerű valamit ettem (nem jut eszembe a neve :( csirkével (pollo) és krumplival (papas) (quesadilla?? talán ez a neve) ).
Mmm... sehol nincs olyan mexikói konyha, mint mexikóban :) :) bár emlékszem, a tavaly szeptemberi konferenica idején pl. egy mexikói étterem volt az egyetlen használható hely, amit találtunk Jerevánban.
Viva la Mexico :) :) y toda l'America Latina :) :) (a spanyol is jobban megy, mintha mélyebben ülne már mint pár évvel ezelőtt, lassan csak megtanulom én ezt még múltidőben is!!)
Jó itt lenni újra, annyira barátságos és ismerős, kicsit mintha hazajönnék. Igazából talán Chile miatt, folyton azt juttatja eszembe, igaz, itt valahogy melegebbek az emberek, színesebbek, mint ott. Hiába közép-amerika, a kultúra úgy érzem sokkal inkább közelít a dél-amerikaihoz. Ugyanolyan szokások itt-ott (szupermarket zacskóbapakolás, buszsávok kő-választékkal való jelölése az utakon, padka színe, stb) és a növények is nagyon hasonlóak, folyton azt juttatják eszembe.
Jól esik ízlelni, elvegyülni, szagolgatni, révedni a távolba, itt lenni, beszívni ezt az európaitól teljesen különböző világot.
Édesek nagyon a sok kis régi típusú bogár autóval száguldozó emberek, sok taxi is ilyen.
Juliának is ilyen régi WW Bogara van, ráadásul központi záras (!!) és pittyeg ha becsukja + kinyitja :D nagyon izgi...!! :) :) :)
Szuper finom mexikói késő-ebédet ettünk 5 fele miután a "Las fresas con crema" piros kockás terítős útmenti étkező-gyümölcsöző-trécselő helyről átmentünk kicsit tovább délre (ez a város déli felén van, egészen lent, Tlalpa városrésznél, a hely neve "Eprek tejszínhabbal" :) ) egy másik műanyag-kockásterítős borzasztóan autentikus helyre (de hát ilyen helyeken főznek a legjobban Mexikóban !), ahol remek Consomét és valami fekete v. kék kukoricából készült tortilla-tekercs szerű valamit ettem (nem jut eszembe a neve :( csirkével (pollo) és krumplival (papas) (quesadilla?? talán ez a neve) ).
Mmm... sehol nincs olyan mexikói konyha, mint mexikóban :) :) bár emlékszem, a tavaly szeptemberi konferenica idején pl. egy mexikói étterem volt az egyetlen használható hely, amit találtunk Jerevánban.
Viva la Mexico :) :) y toda l'America Latina :) :) (a spanyol is jobban megy, mintha mélyebben ülne már mint pár évvel ezelőtt, lassan csak megtanulom én ezt még múltidőben is!!)
Másfél év után visszatértem oda, ahol az üdvözlő ölelő kép készült, vagyis majdnem oda, még oda nem.. Ismét Mexikóban :) :) süt a nap, 6 órával az Európai (CET) idő után.
Majdnem 12 óra volt az út Madridból, húha, Párizsból a múltkor valahogy mintha jóval hamarabb ideértünk volna.. na mindegy, kibírtam, bár egy jól szituált torokfájást sikerült összeszednem úgy valamikor az út háromnegyede felé.
Túl egy szobacserén (mert a szobám egy 8 sávos útra nézett, és kissé hangos volt), és túl egy puha ágyon - majd a földön - majd a matracot eltolva a fa ágyalátéten alváson, és túl az erős torokfájáson (már csak hangom nincs igazán, de már kevésbé fáj).
Úgyhogy, most jön nemsokára Julia kedves, a mexikói hölgy, a kollégám, és talpunk alá szalajtjuk a várost :) :) alig várom.
A munkával persze még nem vagyok meg, alig dolgoztam a gépen (3 prezit kell megírnom, fél órásakat) - fejben majdnem megvan, majd inkább este dolgozgatok, amikor nem süt a nap!!
A piramisokhoz nem tudom, hogy eljutok-e újra, de igyekszem :).
Mexico, here I come :).
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